Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Buenos Aires... not so fun??

I am staying at a ###### hostel at the moment and doing nothing but sleeping and stuff for my online classes. It isnt exactly ###### I am just not happy with my rooming situation... I have to sleep on the top bunk and this Korean girl who speaks no Spanish or English sleeps below me.... but thats not the fun part of the story....
The Korean locked me into the room yesterday.... since there is only one key and no one can communicate with her.... she and everyone else are a bit at wits end. The lock on the door is an old fashion lock... you need a skeleton key to unlock it from the inside and outside of the room.... I was locked in last night... around 10pm... I attempted to go to bed at 9pm, because I have a cold or flu or something.... but then I was woken up by some 70 yr old lady who just checked in (not exactly youth hostel material) and was trying to get in to the room. I was locked in the inside of the room.... she on the outside and the Korean girl was no where to be found.... once they got the door onlocked... which took a lot of pounding, kicking, yelling and pure frusturation.... I yelled at the old lady, yelled at the dude at the front desk.... and then went storming back up to the room climbed in to the bed and preceed to tell the old lady that when the Korean girl comes back... tell her to bring the key to the front desk as I do not wish to be woken up or locked in the room again.... I think she was terrified. I guess, in my cold-ful-half-sleeping-half-awake state of mind...I was a little bit... um... mean. So, I heard the lady try to tell the girl to talk to the people at the front desk... and I think someone must have mimed to her what not to as this morning she did things the correct way with the key.
To make the rooming situation even FUNNER the old lady (who I had yelled at) had to sleep on the other top bunk.
OH.... did I mention the owners of the hostel must have just got central heating (a VERY rare concept here) and must not really know how to operate it... as it is about 90 degrees in the hostel and my dorm room has no windows or fan.... and then think of me being trapped... l mean... locked in the room... left to die.... ok... I let the drama over come me.

Another complaint after being in Uruguay for a week... and now being back in Argentina. Uruguay just passed a law that there is NO smoking aloud in ANY public place... it was really nice... not I get back to Argentina and have this awful cold/flu/madness going on and there is smoke, cigarettes and more smoke every where... I think I may be dying!

Ok... enough drama... I am going to bed... My brother is coming to Bs.As. tomorrow to meet me... and I have to wake up, shower and get to the bus station all before 9am. I live a rought life!


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