Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I am disappointed. Yeah. By an incident that happened in my state last night.

I think that an apology is in order. I apologize on behalf of the people of Minnesota.

I had hoped that the people of my state, airport and airline officials would not stoop to such a low and dark place. Apparently, people are more ignorant and blatantly racist than I thought.

And to the person that passed the note to the flight attendant. You should be ashamed of your self. Have you ever heard of freedom of religion, Islam, people of other cultures and races?? Don't over react next time. You wasted time, money and tarnished the image of six honorable Muslim men.

I would boycott US Airways too. They refused to give them and/or sell them tickets in the end.

Something needs to be done. NOW!

OR people's ignorance will continue to blind them.

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