Sunday, December 10, 2006

Boring Weekend...

I am studying this weekend. Working on final projects and exams. Nothing exciting just time consuming.

Yesterday, I met with a Chilean boy that I am going to start tutoring in English. He is an AFSer and having some difficulties with second language acquisition.... and needs to reduce his accent.... or so he says. ;)

Today... I continue studying. I am actually taking my studying on the road. This is so ensure that I will actually do it. I am very easily distracted in my home environment.

I am going to check out an apartment today. I am pretty sure I will take it... good price and location in Minneapolis. I will let you know of that decision later. I am having trouble making a decision as there are lots of unsure, unfinished things in my life right now and I do not know if moving is the right answer at the moment. But I do need change... and this might be just the thing I need.

Ok... I'm off.

Chaucito... y besotes a todos!

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