Monday, December 04, 2006

Why will you Settle?

People settle for different reasons. I mean commit to someone, via marriage. Though the common reason is 'true love,' I really must question that. In the past few months I have seen people settle for various reasons. One for age. How old will you get before you just can't wait anymore? Will you just settle for who you are with at the time for the hell of it? For fear that you have waited too long and the perfect man won't come along? And truthfully know that he is not the one. It there that 'one'?? Or are there many? Who is right? Is there such thing as a soul mate? Others seem to settle for convenience. It seems right at the time... or semi-right... and they just seem to go with it. Live in the moment, why not? You can always get out of it later, right? Others fear being alone. They are willing to stay with with someone, anyone. Just to avoid themselves. There are many of these people... who have never been alone.... since a very young age. Others never seem to settle. They fear commitment or themselves. Perhaps, the sanctity of a committed relationship. Can it really work? These people avoid a settling down for a long time or never do. Constantly running. Too critical. Afraid of failure?

So, why will you settle? For 'true love'? 'Old' age? Convenience? Money? Fear? The 'One'?

1 comment:

Karla said...

I dont know if i will settle. If i had to pick i would settle for true love.