Saturday, December 23, 2006

A Sad Day in Suburbia...

It is sad when the police are not fighting crime... instead they are sitting in their police car controlling the stop lights with the strobe flasher to ensure that the green lights are long enough for the shoppers going from Target to the grocery store across the street and vice-versa. Imagine a perfect place (ha ha haa) where there is no crime and this is what the police are payed the big bucks to do.

Suburbia is really starting to scare... as the soccer moms get vicious during the holidays.... also a lot of men decide (reluctantly) to go to the malls, where they do not know the proper traffic laws and start cutting people off, plowing thru. red lights, going the wrong way down the isles... it is quite frustrating.... AND of course you are the one doing the wrong things. Yeah right!!

Ok... off to brave to crowds... I have to run some errands.


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