Thursday, April 26, 2007

Domestic Violence

I watched Dr. Phil today. It is about a husband who stalks his wife.
He holds hostage of this woman... mental, monetary and physical hostage.
It is crazy. He taps phone lines, reads her email, threatens her, follows her, ETC ETC ETC.

I worked in DV. I do not understand why people stay in these situations. Most DV advocates say that you cannot change a person until they are ready. You could tell them to leave 1 million times but until they are ready nothing you say or do will change. I cannot imagine how low this woman's self-esteem maybe that she just takes this shit and doesn't leave.

DV happens in so may forms and is not just physical. Victims must know that it is not their fault and that they deserve better and they can get out. There is a better life. If they are here illegally they can go to the police, they can get legal help to protect their children and regain control of life.

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