Monday, October 02, 2006

The Long Days to Come...

So, today I worked all four of my jobs. Yes, I have four jobs... and yes, I worked at all of them today. I left home a bit before 7am and just got home at 10pm. I'm really tired and about to pass out.

I wouldn't be so peeved if I would not have had to listen to cassette tapes about the store, bedding area, and now towels (i'm mid-tape) for 4+ hours. Apparently, someone had a brillant idea that they should train new ratail employees by making them watch 3+ hours of video and then listening to 10+ hours on tape. Yes, folks... I'm not even half way done. And to make it even worse you have to take tests on the tapes after... just to make sure you know the difference between stupid stuff like specially made sheets, bed sets, etc.

I have at least four more months of this madness.... Ahhhhhhhh!

Serenity now... serenity now.... serenity now...

1 comment:

Desiree said...

that's nuts. you're awesome for doing that though.