Friday, December 29, 2006
Off to Chicago for New Year's
I'll be back on Monday with fotos to share.
I wish everyone a Happy New Year...
I know that 2007 will a great year for all.... (especially me!! wink. wink)!!
Mando saludos a todos. Feliz Ano Nuevo.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
A Sad Day in Suburbia...
Suburbia is really starting to scare... as the soccer moms get vicious during the holidays.... also a lot of men decide (reluctantly) to go to the malls, where they do not know the proper traffic laws and start cutting people off, plowing thru. red lights, going the wrong way down the isles... it is quite frustrating.... AND of course you are the one doing the wrong things. Yeah right!!
Ok... off to brave to crowds... I have to run some errands.
Friday, December 22, 2006
I'm Finally on Vacation...
I don't have many plans. Just to get oranized and relax.
I am going to Chicago on the 30th, for two nights.... that's about as exciting as it gets.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Haciendo Completamente Nada...
Hoy no estoy haciendo nada... fui al gimnasio por la mañana. A las 5pm, tengo una cita con alguien q quiere clases de español. Después... creo (si, tengo fuerza) voy a ir a gimnasio otra vez.
Mi hermano llamó hace cinco minutos... el estaba aburrido en Washington.... entonces cambio su vuelo. Viene hoy a las 9:20pm, en vez de miércoles.
Estuve pensando leer un libro. Normalmente leo mucho, pero son libros q eligieron mis profesores... ahora voy a tener tiempo leer unos libros q compre y no he leído todavía.
Bueno... mando besos y abrazos a todos.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Small World
So, check this...
She is moving to Argentina.
She is married to a guy from Resistencia. (where I lived)
He is my age and I know his families business in the city.
She was an AFSer... to Finland... but same year, same departure.
She also has worked in the AFS office here and know alot of the same people I do.
Today... instead of buying new shoes I found the cutest shirt ever. I bought it and will take a pic soon....
Two weeks until we go to Chicago for New Year's.
Less than six weeks until Rep. Dom.
I'm excited!
I'm Dooooooooooonnnnneeeee....
What is new? Nothing much. I have clean everything now... neglecting it for more than a week has made things disgusting.
I have a semi-busy week next week and then just about nothing for a week.
I have started tutoring... el chileno en ingles and a hs student in Spanish. I have a few more that want lessons in the new year.
Today... I'm going to relax buy some new talcos.... AND WORK out.... less than 6 weekks until my hot bod has to make appearences at beaches on a tropical island en el caribe. ;)
BESOTES A TODOS!!!! Chaucito.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Avoidance Tactics...
Watch TV
Make Lists of What I Need To Do
Think about What I Need To Do
Pluck Eyebrows
Read Magazines
Talk on Phone
Chat with People on MSN
Just a few of the avoidance tactics I have used tonight.
So, let's see... it's 10:39pm... I have done about 8% of every thing I have to do by about 7am.... But I'm surprisingly relaxed and feel no reason to hurry.
I still have pleanty of time..... ;)
BTW... yes, I am officially insane... if you had any doubt.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
47 Hours to go...
Ok... no more thinking about being productive. It just makes me exhausted thinking about it.
And now I just remember I have to evaluate a whole bunch of 1st graders Spanish skills... by Friday, 11am. Yikes.... and I have no idea where I put the folder with evals. I will worry about that 8am.... Friday!! ;)
To sleepy, sleepy I go.
I slept only 2 hours last night... actually I am not sure if I slept because I get nervous that I will sleep thru. my alarm....
I finished my urban field placement finally... thou. I'm pissed that he said that I'm often late. But I should not feel too bad about it as I look at the source that the critical words came from. I should not pass the blame, but I did receive the field placement 7 weeks after I was supposed and had to create a whole new schedule, take days off, drive around like a crazy lady to get stuff done.
Now... I am not done with what I need done for 5:30pm... but I have to go visit some Spanish classes that I am covering for a co-worker next week in a little bit.
I'm about to loose it... oh, and a whole but of people want private Spanish, ESL and Language Arts lessons like this week... now.. and I do not want to lose these potential clients.... but I really cannot take anything more on until Friday.
God, please give me the strength I need to get thru. this...
Monday, December 11, 2006
Self-Sabotage: A Reoccuring Theme
My self-sabotage when it comes to this moment involves my studies and projects. I didn't do what I was supposed this weekend. Well.... I only did one-half of what I was supposed to do. And now... I am hurriedly trying to throw together a big project that is due tomorrow night. Now, I think part of the reason that I do this is because it does not interest me. I know that I can do a half-assed job and get an A- or B+ and that is perfectly fine with me... I have never been a perfectionist.
Self-sabotage has been a major theme of my academic life and occasionally my personal life. I also need major work on my time management skills.... and/or motivating myself to do things with more than 24 hours to spare. Maybe I get a thrill of waiting until the last min.... seeing how far I can walk that fine line of recklessness without actually crossing it and failing miserably.
I guess I need to learn more from my mistakes and stop repeating them.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
I have a weird rash on the back of my neck.
I finished my linguistics final... though I gave up on one of the exercises when I could not figure it out for several hours.
Now I am working on a literacy 'strategy log' that is due Tuesday. My professor for this class is so annoying and treats us like kindergartners. And he thinks that his 2 credits class is apparently worth four because I am doing a shit load of work for it.
There are many more things I would like to complain about but I don't have time....
Boring Weekend...
Yesterday, I met with a Chilean boy that I am going to start tutoring in English. He is an AFSer and having some difficulties with second language acquisition.... and needs to reduce his accent.... or so he says. ;)
Today... I continue studying. I am actually taking my studying on the road. This is so ensure that I will actually do it. I am very easily distracted in my home environment.
I am going to check out an apartment today. I am pretty sure I will take it... good price and location in Minneapolis. I will let you know of that decision later. I am having trouble making a decision as there are lots of unsure, unfinished things in my life right now and I do not know if moving is the right answer at the moment. But I do need change... and this might be just the thing I need.
Ok... I'm off.
Chaucito... y besotes a todos!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
14 Bajo Cero
Necesito mudar a un lugar donde hace calor porq no puedo agunatar esta termperatura mas.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
8 More Days...
8 more days...8 more days.... 8 more days.... 8 more days.........
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Mi Mente
Cada momento nuevo.... así es vivir dentro de mi mente.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Why will you Settle?
So, why will you settle? For 'true love'? 'Old' age? Convenience? Money? Fear? The 'One'?
Sunday, December 03, 2006
I Need to Talk to Someone.
My horoscope told me not to.
What to do? What to do?
Quede confundida otra vez?!?!
Saturday, December 02, 2006
A reality that involves violence, death, drugs, generational poverty, gangs, pregnancy, rape, abuse, runaways, murder, hunger, disease, lack of education, lack of understanding, anger, resiliency and basic survival. Where on a daily basis a 16 and 17 year olds have to make a conscious decision. Actually a lot of decisions... that I was never forced to make at that age. So many decisions that they should not have to be making at this age. Decisions that scare me.
What makes me mad is the people from my reality. The people that do not understand nor care to understand. They just pass the blame on the families, the schools and the communities. When the blame should really be put on their shoulders. As a member of society and a member of this city; I feel the responsibility to help, to do something.
People who really do not care. People who are stuck in their content white reality need to wake up. Some day these realities will colide and maybe not in a favorable manner if nothing is done to improve their reality today.
The people from my reality are quick to critically judge the people from the other reality... but not offer help, alternatives, ideas. This is maddening. Whether black, white, brown, yellow, purple or blue; you deserve an opportunity in this country. You deserve an opportunity to succeed. An opportunity to improve your reality, your life experience. You should not be stepped on. Forgotten. Left alone to destroy yourself or others.
Maybe I'm naive and young. But I want to make a difference. I want to give them that chance they deserve. The chance I was given. Education is a right. I believe that as a society we should not make excuses but try to fix the problem. It will take many years but we have time. The problem is getting bigger not smaller. Their reality will only get worse over time.
I know I will do what I can. After spending time there I see the hope in their eyes, the enjoyment the feel, the success they can obtain in one short hour. A safe hour where most are taken out of their reality and are in a safe place whether it is to learn or just be.
So, as I sit in my safe, warm, stable reality. I can't help but wonder what people are facing in a this evening 15 miles away. What decisions are they making that are going to affect the rest of their weekend, week or possibly life?
Noviembre Sin Ti
el cielo esta gris
la noche aparece sin ti,
callado en la playa
te lloro en silencio otra vez
Me ahoga esta pena
no puedo vivir
las olas no me hablan de ti
sentado en la arena
escribo tu nombre otra vez
Por que te extrano
desde aquel Noviembre
cuando sonamos juntos
a querernos siempreme duele,
este frio Noviembre
cuando las ojas
cain a morir por siempre..
Noviembre sin ti
es sentir que la lluvia
me dice llorando que todo acabo
Noviembre sin ti
es pedirle a la luna
que brille en la noche de mi corazon
otra vezz.. otra vez..
Quisiera decirte que quiero volver
tu nombre va escrito en mi piel
ya es de madrugada
te sigo esperando otra vez
por que te extrano desde aquel Noviembre
cuando sonamos juntosa querernos siempre
me duele, este frio Noviembre
cuando las ojas caina morir por siempre
Estribillo 2x]
Noviembre Sin Ti por Reik
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Me Voy
lo que había en el porque no tuviste el valor de ver quien soy
porque no escuchas lo que esta tan cerca de ti
sólo el ruido de afuera y yo
que estoy a un lado desaparezco para ti
No voy a llorar y decir que no merezco esto
porque es probable que lo merezco pero no lo quiero
por eso me voy que lastima pero adios
me despido de ti me voy
que lastima pero adios me despedio de ti
Porque se que me espera algo mejor
alguien que sepa darme amor
de ese que endulza la sal y hace que salga el sol
yo que pense nunca me iría de ti
que es amor el bueno de toda la vida
pero hoy entendí que no hay suficiente para los dos
No voy a llorar y decir que no merezco esto
porque es probable que lo merezco pero no lo quiero
por eso me voy que lastima pero adios
me despido de ti me voy
que lastima pero adios me despedio de ti
Me voy que lastima pero adios
me despido de ti me voy
que lastima pero adios
me despido de ti me voy
que lastima pero adios
me despido de time voy
que lastima pero adios
me despido de ti
me voy
Julieta Venegas - Me Voy
1st Post from my Nuevo Laptop!!
Let the fun begin.... actually there will be no fun until Friday... as I have a huge load of homework, lesson planning and materials to prepare.
My Beautiful Brown Eyes...
I enjoyed the nice compliment as most everything that comes out of his mouth is negative... which was what he said next... an insult....
AHHHH, the joys of my job! ;)
P.S.... if you want to check out my 'beautiful brown eyes' for yourself... they are featured a few posts down.
Chau! Besotes.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Procrastination & Pain
I have a major procrastination problem... major. I had a long weekend with really basically nothing to do but study. Did I study? Hell, no! Then Monday night... I took my time sitting down to study. Went tanning, to the gym, ate dinner... and then finally thought I might try to study. I accomplished basically nothing... and by 9:40pm... realized I better go to sleep and wake up early to do my stuff. Now, I woke up at 4:25am... showered... and am slowly getting ready. I'll have sometime throughout the day but I think I am depending on that too much.
Pain. I am in pain.... for several reason. Mental and physical. Though the physical is what is I am feeling the most... my mental pain, confusion and anguish is something I can't really write about on here. I have two major wounds on my feet... one from the gym and the other from dancing and my heels on Saturday night. One on each foot... equally painful and infected (yuck!). I have been over doing it a bit at the gym... I decided that when it comes to the treadmill, the pain is just mental. Like marathon runners or runners in general... it's a mental game that you are playing with your body and you just have to push thru. it. Well, the problem is I am neither a runner, let along a marathon runner. So, I should not really apply weird wisdom like this to my workouts.... because I hurt.... Especially my hips. I knew it was bad when I awoke to go to the bathroom in the night and contemplated for several mins. how I would get up with the least pain. Oh yes, and the most annoying thing of all... I have been sick almost the entire month of November.... and just when I was almost back to tip-top shape, I have a really sore throat and now this morning it is really really really sore. :(
On a happy note....
- 3 more weeks of the semester left
- I have leads and several private ESL and Spanish tutoring/instruction positions
- I get to spend almost two full school days at my urban field placement.... instead of working at my middle school
- I am going to Chicago for New Years
- I am feeling slightly optomistic (this is not a normal feeling for me)
Felicidad. Paz. Amor.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Long fin de semana...







Tuve una sola meta para la noche... bailar con MEXICANOSS!! ... ;)
Llegamos temprano... y quedamos tarde. Bebemos cerveza... yo Coronas, Lena varias otras. Una colega de mi trabajo estuve ahí. Hablemos con ella para un ratito. La noche fue llena de hombres... primero un guardia/miembro de seguridad q empezó hablar conmigo. Medio dominicano (del Cibao), medio puertorriqueño. Mi dijo q no sabia q bailar (MENTIRA) y pregunto si yo podía enseñarle (NO).
Después bajamos a buscar mas para tomar. Hablemos un poquito con Christie (mi colega) y su amiga. Pusieron un poquito de reggaeton bailamos... yo con un Ecuatoriano.... :[ después toco mas salsa... entonces tuvimos q esperar para algo mejor... y TOMAR MAS CERVECITAS!! Fuimos arriba otra vez... pero el hombre de seguridad no me dejaba en paz... que pesado q fue este hombre.
Lena y yo tuvimos q bajar a bailar cuando empezo Merengue y Bachata.... baile con varias hombres de Honduras. Ningún hablo ingles, todos trabajaban en construccion o fabricas... uno olia de marijuana... mucho marijuana. Después un moreno colombiano quería bailar. Vino de Chicago para el fin de semana largo... fue simpatico, bello, muy alto, educado... y no fue illegal como los otros. Nos invito a una fiesta para ano nuevo en Chicago después q decirle q íbamos estar ahí. El tiene mi numero ya llamo varias veces.... PELIGRO!!
En el fin no baile con ningún Mexicano :( ... aunque unos hombrecitos me preguntaron bailar... yo dije q no (si, soy mala)... Lena bailo con unos. YO no... quizás porq puse mis talcos q tiene 3.5 pulgas de altura... quede re alta... mas alta q todo ellos.
PERO nosotras disfrutamos muchooo.... mexicanos o no!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006
I think that an apology is in order. I apologize on behalf of the people of Minnesota.
I had hoped that the people of my state, airport and airline officials would not stoop to such a low and dark place. Apparently, people are more ignorant and blatantly racist than I thought.
And to the person that passed the note to the flight attendant. You should be ashamed of your self. Have you ever heard of freedom of religion, Islam, people of other cultures and races?? Don't over react next time. You wasted time, money and tarnished the image of six honorable Muslim men.
I would boycott US Airways too. They refused to give them and/or sell them tickets in the end.
Something needs to be done. NOW!
OR people's ignorance will continue to blind them.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Nada. Nothing. Zip.
Besides, that nothing new. I am avoiding homework as usual. I am about to go to the gym. I already have one injury. You see... my entire life I have had issues with shoes, sandals, basically anything I must put my foot into. So, my left heel decided it didn't like my shoe... and now I have a large gapping wound on my foot. Lovely. I don't know what my foot's issues are but it's annoying. How can a pair of tennis shoes make you bleed? I think I just have over sensitive feet.
It's only a three day week!! If that... no morning Spanish this week. Though I get to go to the ghetto instead to observe for grad school. Yippee.
That's it for now.
mando paz y amor a todos
Friday, November 17, 2006
Gracias a Dios llego Viernes...
Hoy tuve que llevar mi mama, tia y abuela al aeropuerto. A las 6 de la manana! Ellas van a Las Vegas para el fin de semana. Mi tio va tambien... pero mas tarde hoy va juntar con ellas en Las Vegas. Mi tia cumple 50 anos... van para celebrar... creo.
Hoy empiezo ir al gimnasio... :( La verdad es que me gusta... pero no tengo mucho ganas ir en este momento.
Que mas... hay una possibilidad que puedo hacer mi 'student teaching'... bueno 10 de las 16 semanas este verano en otro pais... tengo que fijar donde me mandaron... que cuanto cuesta. PERO si hago eso no puedo ir al pais dond estuve pensando pasar mi verano.
Ultimamente, he tenido problemas en el colegio donde trabajo con los chicos con autismo. Es un trabajo dificil... y una de las professoras priciapales q trabajan ellos es horrible. Y por eso los chicos piesan que puedan ser asi conmigo... no tener reglas... no es asi. Tiene q llevar un lapiz a clase... no me importa si van a llorar. Son basante intellegentes y gustan dejar la impression con son muy incapaz... para que no tengan q hacer NADA. Y la profe y tambien los chicos piesan quizas q yo estoy en octavo ano... y ellos no. Quieran yo hago su tarea, toman las notas, trabajos escritos tooooodo. Y me molesta que ya hice este ano en el colgeio ;) y ellos completamente pueden hacer lo necesario. Tengo un problema GRANDE con eso... y no puedo aguantar la profe ni los estudiantes que son asi. Pero el otro dia hable con unas colegas queridas... y ellas hablaron con la profe que no me guste... Y cosas estan cambiando rapido.
Que mas.. NADA. He pasado una semana y media enferma... primero el gripe despues estuve muy muy refriada... por fin casi estoy bien otra vez.
Bueno.... ADIOS.
paz y amor.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
I Need a New Laptop...
Can't spend more than $1500.
Give me some ideas. Presently looking at Dell. I really only use MS Word, Excel, Power Point and need a lot of pic and music storage... that's about it. I'm not very complicated... i guess.
Ok... tell me what you think... or hate... or love when it come to laptops.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
I was dizzy. Very very dizzy all day.
I got a head rush just sitting still.
It was like sitting on a non-stop roller coaster.
Tomorrow is pay day for one of my jobs. I might quit a different job. I am thinking. And trying to consider the +/- though at the moment every seems like a plus... like getting my sanity back... but hey who needs that, right?
Ok.... I'm going to go to bed. Yes.... at 8pm.... this is now three day in a row. Pathetic. I know.
Monday, November 13, 2006
I'm Sick! :(
My throat hurts.
Cough. Cough. Cough.
My head hurts from coughing so much.
My eyes are blood shot.
My body aches.
I'm weak and shakey.
I'm tired.
My voice hurts.
I'm sad.
Leave me some lovein'
Besos a todos.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
La artista loca y su perro....

rojo y negro... voy a poner un espejo en el medio.... para mirar mi bella cara..
tapas... tome mucha alcohol para tener tantas tapitas... y no soy alcoholica... y bueno, no lo creo...
Y eso es Ranger... mi maldito perro... encontre el en mi cama...
El no queria bajar... el enojo... pobre estupido perro...
ok.. nada mas.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Blanca Nievas, no mas! Y unas fotos.
Nada mas esta pasando. Me duele la gargantua. Este fin de estoy preparando para mis clases de espanol y estudiando... aburrido!
Abajo baje unas fotas de la semana...







Quise poner mas fotos... pero el sitio no me deja!! :(
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Hoy es Martes... Martes, Martes, Martes






10:15am... voting....
Your vote is your voice.
We fought for this right.... for a say in our country's policy... now use that right to force change.
Su voto es su voz.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Hoy es lunes... lunes lunes lunes







7pm.... ready to work.... diet coke, water and my 4th HUGE cup of coffee for the day........ ;)
Avoiding HW
Nothing too exciting or new today... um... i was annoyed with one of my jobs as usual... but that is my fault to continue the position though I am quickly being drove insane.
Alright... back to the libros...
Chau... besostes a todos.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Choices to hold on. To let go. Choices to keep going. Or not go at all. Choices to see the truth... or walk blindly in ignorance or bliss. Choices to see things how they are. Or ignore it. Choices to travel. To stay grounded. To continue your education. To broaden your horizons. To meet new people. Or choices to stay the same.
It is okay to choose to be confused?
Choices is what we face day in, day out for our entire lives.
Love is knowing someone cares about you even though you are both not in direct contact at the moment.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Latinos vs. Gringos
Falta confianza. Falta personalidades. No saben ser un líder. No saben bailar para nada. No saben tratar un mujer. Son insoportables.
Horrible pase mi experiencia... ahhhhh... donde esta un hombre latino cuando necesito uno!! ;)
Monday, October 30, 2006
Two short years ago at this time, I was working for a man who was running for U.S. congress. Bryan Kennedy. Though we worked efortlessly to get him elected. Unfortunatly it was not his time... it was really no democrats time in the 2004 election cycle. Jim Sensenbrenner was who we was running against. An entrenched Washington Congressman... who did nothing to benefit WI's 5th district.
I was Bryan's Deputy Campaign Manager and before that the Volunteer Coordinator during the 2004 election cycle. I also know Bryan on a personal level... he was my favorite professor while pursuing my undergrad at UW-Milwaukee.... I think I had him every semester.
Anyway... unfortunatly I cannot be in the Milwaukee area this year. I may try to make it down to Milwaukee this weekend... if I can find somewhere to sleep. I want to help. If I cannot make it I will donate some money... I dont have much but the little I can give may help inform a few more voters.
So... why I am so excited about BK... he was endorsed by the Journal Sentinel... this is the first time in 24 (or is it 26) years that they have not endoresed Sensenbrenner. I agree that now is time for a change.
If you can donate money, live in WI's 5th and vote the 7th... know that BK is the right man for the job.
And for Bryan... Te mando Beijos y Muito Sorte Profe. Voce esta em meus pensamentos. Voce vai a ganar. =)
A Case of the Mondays....
I start a new class tomorrow night.... 5-12 Literacy.
Wednesday... I start a Caribbean dance class with LENA!! We will get to do Bachata, Merengue, Rumba and something else... I forget.
That's about all that's going on. Besides that I talked to a lot of my hispanohablante friends on MSN last night.
Ok... Paz.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Weekend in Review
Driving into Downtown from NE Mpls. Yes, I was taking pictures while driving.
Minneapolis... la ciudad
Aguante Argentina! Laura and I and the Orono International Fair Friday evening.
One of the Mexican boys I talked to that evening... he wanted a picture of him wearing the sombrero... his older brother was sooo cute and told me... 'Estoy en Kinder y I speak en ingles todo el dia'. Que presioso.
Being confused... also apparently I look like I'm on crack... according to an unnamed friend.
Mad! I'm toooooo white now. I lost my tan. I am trying to hold out to go to the tanning beds... but I doubt I will make it much longer.
Dinner. I can cook. My colorful dinner or chicken, homemade red spicy sauce and aguacate.
New Heels. Top View. =)
New Talcos. Side View. I love new shoes.
That's my weekend... or at least some of it. Now I am cleaning ang studying. NOT FUN!!
Chau. Besos a toods.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Day & Night, Night & Day
And then I head out to the suburbs... not just first or second ring... we are talking third or fourth. My Argentine friend and I, have a booth at the International Fair in a suburban school where we teach Spanish. It should be interesting.
I will let y'all know how it goes... maybe share fotos.
Chau! & TGIF!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Counting the Mins. Until 9pm...
I am up again. Already showered... trying to pull stuff together for tonight. Secondary Methods class. It is taking up so much time. Too much time. But I am half way done. So... Im working on that until 7:15am... when I go teach my first ronda of Spanish of the day.
At 9pm... more like 9:30 when I get home... I get to relax and not work until Monday. Tomorrow... I get to spend the entire school day in the 'worst' school in the state. The most urban, colorful, troubled. Most cringe and tell me I shout buy a bullet proof vest. There is a bad name that goes with this school. Most are scared of the place... I actually like it. I am not scared and I really don't get the off hand comments of why I will be possibly 'never' be speaking with people again because I am spending time observing in this school. Yeah... people goes as far to tell me I will be dying in this school. Whatev. I just try to take away my own experience. Others negative thoughts should not influence me.
My goal of the day... not drink soooo much coffee that I make weird sound effects and talk to myself constantly. Yes, I am now officially insane from the amount of caffeine I am drinking.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Algo bueno en la oscuridad...
'Obsidian'... Caribou's new dark blend
50 degree day... in late October
Sun... there was sun today... it hurt my eyes but I didn't care
My Spanish classes going well... only a little blood and some tears (for real... 1st graders are dramatic & andan como locos)
Beisbol... the tight pants the latino hotties wear
Barack Obama's beautiful face
So many middle school kids saying 'Hi' when I'm too distracted to say 'hi' first
Quitting one job... and feeling a big weight come off my back
Loud music en espanol
Cute latino boy a the uni... asking me if i 'want to race' up the stairs... random
Hope I see in my grad school 'urban' school placement... yay for only colorful faces
For GWB being un pendejo y mentiroso en la tele... falta 14 dias hasta los ciudadanos votan
Mosicas mirrors that I am making
For the International Fair this Friday... Nuestra mesa sobre ARGENTINA va a ser buenisimo
Stong Democratic campaigns and candidates
Visit to the International Market on Lake/Chicago in Mpls with a pal
For one of my students not understanding what it meant to bring his dirty gym uniform home to his mom and actually going and physically putting it on to 'wear' it home to his mom. Too funny.
For my K-1 espanol class getting a major kick out of labeling themselves as 'yo' in the pictures they were drawing of their families.
For Anthony... the hot man that works at the Target I frequent
For getting paid in a few short days!! yippee.
OKKKAY.... I need to do my linguistics midterm... its due... TOMORROW. I've been avoiding it.
Chaucito srs y srtas... besotes enormes a todos
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Demasiado Café y Poco Tiempo
Bueno... casi son las ocho. Tengo q estudiar... y hacer mas café. Cafeína es mi droga.
Chau. Besos. Y saludos a tudos!! ;) Y están en mis pensamientos... aunque estoy tan ocupada... no dejo de pensar en mios amigos hispanohablantes... NUNCA!!
Monday, October 23, 2006
Stuck? Lost? Or Some Where in Between?
My problem lies in my double life. America me. Foreign me.
The America me has issues... She has long standing issues with trying to understand her environment and the people around her. In white-wealthy-mostly-suburban America. Too much insensitivity. Over consumption. Ignorance. Money. Whiteness. Purposeful blindness. It disgusts her on a daily basis. She tries to justify things she hears. People she deals with. But she sees things going wrong for so many others... when for them it is going right. She hears statements that make her cringe. And now the problem with being busy and having too much on her plate is she cannot even talk and speak to the people (and kids) that she needs to talk to. She can't. She always get too involved. It is either all or nothing. Another issue. Trying to justifying the work. The sadness. Just a few more months. The money. That's how she is currently justifying what she is doing. Can she take it much longer without loosing it?
Foreign me. She is sad. Reminiscent of better times. And times to come. Of possibly a lost dream.... but not forgotten. Of someone she cannot get out of her head. She sits dreaming of foreign lands. People that lead simpler, yet fuller lives. She wishes and wonders when her time will come. When she can go back. Be simple again. She constantly compares... which is better, worse, different. She is willing to justify almost anything or anyone from her patrias adoptivas. She tries to make America me and Foreign me work together. Make things better. Spice things up now... but she cant get her head out of the clouds can't stop thinking about Mr. 'A' She is lost in the past and in the future.... she does not live in the present when she is in America.
Perdida. Completamente perdida... trato andar con esperanza.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Don't get on my bad side... or you will be sorry!
I'm feelin' good... ready to pass a work free, homework filled weekend. Also, my mission is to find and buy plastic fruit. Don't ask.... well, its for my 1st graders in Spanish... talk about divertido times. ;)
Chaucito. Besotes y Saludos a todos!!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Grad School Fun... NOT!
We are doing 'backwards planning'... which according to my professor is 'cutting edge'... and it is kicking my butt... most likely because I have never written an entire unit before... and I think I am trying to include too much. It is supposed to be 20 classes long.
Besides that... I need to start working on my online linguistics for language teachers class and I have to do my midterm sometime in the next week... fun time.
At least the slightly good thing is it is a long weekend... no school Thursday or Friday becuase of State Education conferences... so, I will have more than enough time to work on everything during the next week.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Living in the Present
Ok... back to my deep dark depths of my my head.. PAZ!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
El Frio me Esta Matando...
NO puedo creer este tiempo... estoy en infierno.... un frio infierno q se llama Minnesota.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
This morning there was frost on my car windows... yuck... and if tomorrow at 7am, when I head out to my car there is snow this mujer is not going to be happy.
Saludos desde el frio norte a todos... ojala el nieve no llega manana. OJALA!
Monday, October 09, 2006
My Semi-Long Weekend
Saturday and Sunday I worked at my lovely retail job. The good news is I finally finished training!! YAY! No more cassettes on tape... that's enough to make me jump up and down and do a the happy dance.
What else? Think. Think. Think.
Today, Monday is Cristobal Colon Day.... so, two of my four jobs are canceled. This morning I taught Spanish from 8-9am and then tonight, I get to go work retail. I like the retail job... I am about 95% sure that I am buying a down comforter that is worth more than $180 for only $10 tonight... which is awesome.
Alright... so, off to the bank and then to Linen & Things... ADIOS!
Paz in the Middle (and Far) East.
Friday, October 06, 2006
I'm Bad.
Today is Friday... which means I get to work.... only a few hours at the middle school. NO teaching espanol today... and tonight going to ACME Comedy club with Lena's crew to celebrate her 26th birthday. Saturday and Sunday, I work retail.
The good news... I will pretty relaxed Fri. thru. Mon. YAY!!
I hope that everyone has a great weekend!!
Chau! Paz. Y Saludos a todos.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
So So Tired
Tomorrow night, Im going out to celebrate Lena's birthday. Dinner (i think) and a going to a comedy club.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Wash, Rinse and Repeat
So... let me begin another day... wash, rinse, repeat....
Monday, October 02, 2006
The Long Days to Come...
I wouldn't be so peeved if I would not have had to listen to cassette tapes about the store, bedding area, and now towels (i'm mid-tape) for 4+ hours. Apparently, someone had a brillant idea that they should train new ratail employees by making them watch 3+ hours of video and then listening to 10+ hours on tape. Yes, folks... I'm not even half way done. And to make it even worse you have to take tests on the tapes after... just to make sure you know the difference between stupid stuff like specially made sheets, bed sets, etc.
I have at least four more months of this madness.... Ahhhhhhhh!
Serenity now... serenity now.... serenity now...
Friday, September 29, 2006
TGIF & Much Much More....
So... now here is the final working schedule....
Morning Spanish, Afternoon Spanish, Middle School Para and Linens & Things.
I am going to busy. Working on average more than 50 hrs a week.... and I forgot to mention that I have grad school on Tues and Thurs nights and an online class.
I have been drinking a lot of coffee. Too much infact. I get cramps/Charlie Horses in my legs almost every night around 4am. They take a long time to go away. I usually have to walk around. Maybe I have RLS... Restless leg syndrome... too bad this chica cannot go to a dr.
To get to the fun stuff.....
Since I am going to be tired of working and studying and everything I was pricing tickets to the DR (RD). Though I have a break in most of my jobs, except the reatil one from Dec. 21 to Jan 1.... I could not find anything affordale.... no way in hell am I paying more than $1000 to fly to the Caribbean. So.... I checked some dates and I purchased a ticket today... it is FINALIZED... I will be in Santo Domingo... from Jan 26 to Feb. 4.....!!! Yay!!! That is still 4 long months away... but at least I have something to look forward to.
It is also payday at two of my jobs today... money can always brighten my day!!
That's it for now... not much work today... as almost all the kids are on a field trip and I was the one that had to stay behind and supervise the kids that did not go. I am reading some Neruda... and busy being bored.
Chau! Besos! Paz!
Felicidades Betti!!!!!
Felicidades nena... y ahora q te festejas TODO.
Feliz Cumpleaños tambien.
Saludos, Besos y Abrazos....